Monday, May 3, 2010

More pics of May 1...Day 1 for ITA at Relay for Life

I did load some of these before on my Iphone, but they didn't go through. I had a blast. Thanks Lisa! Big shout out to Jennifer & Lisa for FIGHTING BACK!!!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Some of the luminaria in honor of our two team survivors

Jennifer, Jenna, Keenan and Pierce dressed 80's style for the "Footloose" lap

Bill dressed for the "Miss Hollywood" lap...with the bra that Lisa blinged out!

Jeff, Lisa and Angie during the "It" lap

Lisa and Jennifer dressed for the "It" lap - clown costumes

Chris and his horse, getting ready to walk the Country Western lap (See his adorable son on the bottom right hand corner?)

My costume for the "military" lap

Team work!

Our awesome naval ship that won second place in the "Cars" lap

Three of our top walkers - Angie, Lisa and MaryAnne

Our banner

In memory of my mom, Dorys (Jennifer Zambrana)

In memory of David Brandon Wilson, son of our very generous donor

Our team tent with our team leader who did an amazing job!

Lisa's awesome blinged out team Top Gun ITA- Inspired to Act Survivor shirt

The "Survivor's" shirt...and ribbon...and purple carnation

I'm the skinny one in the black hat (Jennifer Zambrana)

The start of the Relay for Life - Survivor's Lap. Lisa Pennington and Jennifer Zambrana!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Opening/Survivor Ceremony

Some last minute bling

Friday night Setup

As the camper was pulled in to the Paloma High School lot to park (this will be the kids sleeping area and quiet zone) it was still pretty quiet on the field.

You can tell the field is wide open and there are not as many people setting up early as we thought there might be.

As we were leaving there was still lots of work going on behind the scenes! 
Can't wait to share more with you all and see you tomorrow! More to come!