Schedule of FUN!

10:00 AM
Show off your Relay Spirit Stick
Come share your team's Mission and spirit stick
11:00 AM
North Shore Lap
Surf's up!  Lei's, hawaiin shirts, grass skirts will earn your team spirit bucks

Slip Slap Slop Mummy Wrap
Slip on your hat, Slap on your glasses, and Slop on your sunscreen
12:00 PM
The A Team Lap
It's all about your team!  Dress in your favorite athletic team attire.

"Team Tied"                         Obstacle Course
Bring out your team to get tied up and have some fun!
1:00 PM
Cars Lap                                          Road to Recovery Lap
Drive your team theme car around the track balancing a water balloon

Locks of Love
Send someone from your team to cut 12 inches of noncolored hair
2:00 PM
Platoon Lap
March on over in your military wear
3:00 PM
Wild Wild West Lap
"Giddy on up" around the track in your cowboy hats

Polyp Hunt
Meet at center field to find out what you are hunting for…
4:00 PM
Animal House Lap
Put on a sheet for a Toga party around the track
5:00 PM
The Color Purple Lap
Throw on the Relay for Life color PURPLE and make your way around the track
6:00 PM
It Lap
Put on your wigs, red noses, or outfits while "clowning" around the track
7:00 PM
Miss "Hollywood"
Get those men on your team and best dressed BRA wins!
8:00 PM
Flashdance Lap
Now its time to put on your 80's wear and get physical
9 PM - 10 PM

10:00 PM
Grease Lap
Rock on over in your 50's stuff

"Soul Mate" Sock Hop
Meet in the middle and find your "Soul Mate"
11:00 PM
Halloween Lap
Trick-or-Treat for your spirit bucks in your Halloween costume

12:00 PM
Prom Night Lap
Get "dolled up" in black or white and ready to dance and sing at midnight
1:00 AM
Happy Birthday Lap
Wear a copy of your driver's license with your birthday around your neck and let's celebrate!
1:30 AM
Cupcake Walk
Come and play musical chairs to win
2:00 AM
Forrest Gump Lap
"Run, Forrest, Run!"  See who can run the most laps!
3:00 AM
Twins Lap
Dress as a "twin" with a teammate
3:30 AM
Human Bingo
Meet and greet other teams while fillling out a Bingo card
4:00 AM
Field of Dreams Lap
"Play ball!"  Baseball attire required
4:30 AM
Dizzy Bat Race
Come "wind up" and race
5:00 AM
Pajama Party Lap
Let's see those wild pajamas!
6:00 AM
Mamma Mia Lap
We want to honor our moms

Come and get an early and fun exercise
6:30 AM
Line Dancing
Get some extra exercise while line dancing
7:00 AM
Rocky Lap
Fight through the last hour of walking for spirit bucks